Our bodies are designed to eliminate the toxic sludge we expose it to on a daily basis. Our liver, kidneys, colon, lungs and skin all work together like a fine tuned machine to clean our blood from the thousands of substances we expose it to daily. Germ killing cleaning products, heavy metal deodorants, our beloved Western medications, super smog pollution, orgasm stimulating shampoo; the list goes on and on and our bodies are not equipped to deal with the chemical overload. To make matters worse we often burden our liver even further with couch-potato-itus (that’s the technical term), a poor diet, and uppers and downers – yup! Caffeine and booze are major culprits. Our bodies can’t keep up!

There’s good news though. We can restore our bodies to the chaste temple it once was by detoxing. Most people think that detoxing means starving yourself for days on end. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Detoxing is a lot of work so fueling your body with the right foods is essential.

Here are some telltale signs that your body is overdue for a detox:

  1. Low Energy
  2. Brain Fog or Trouble Concentrating
  3. Overweight or Trouble Losing Weight
  4. Depressed Mood
  5. Constipation
  6. Skin Conditions (adult acne, breakouts, psoriasis, rashes, eczema, etc.)
  7. Sugar Cravings
  8. Difficulty Falling or Staying Asleep
  9. Low Immunity
  10. PMS
  11. Headaches
  12. Bloating

Detoxing can help reverse or cure all of these aliments and more! Who wouldn’t want to do some spring detoxing? Stay tuned for some daily detox tips that will gently stimulate your body’s detoxifying power to Super-Human strength!

In addition to being a certified Lagree and Group Fitness Instructor, Shannon is also a certified Holistic Nutritionist